Who’s redacting your camera footage?

EDISON-LTAS PROVIDES platform-agnostic redaction services to fulfill your reporting needs. 

On June 1 2019, SB-1421 and AB-748 went into effect, requiring California agencies to release body camera footage within 45-days of an incident. SB-1421 requires law enforcement agencies to publish use of force policies, sexual assault complaints, and dishonesty in investigations for public release.


Edison-LTAS is quickly becoming a leader in audio and video redaction services

Edison-LTAS works with law enforcement agencies and the law firms who represent them, providing high-accuracy redaction services in compliance with CPRA regulations. We’re forensic experts in identifying every element of Personally Identifying Information (PII) in audio and video media. We leverage over 20 years of digital forensic experience and advanced automation to provide cost efficient media redaction deliverables in a timely manner.


Image redaction services include

  • Faces, bodies, and/or identifying features (e.g. scars, tattoos, and personalized clothing) detainees, suspects, witnesses, undercover officers, and confidential informants.

  • Driver’s licenses, insurance cards, ID cards, and other personally identifying documentation.

  • Addresses, house numbers, building names.

  • Vehicle license plates.

  • Other elements that conclude identifying information.


Audio redaction services include 

  • Voices, names, social security numbers, dates of birth, home addresses, and other personally identifying information (PII).

  • Silence or audio beep can be applied to redacted audio.


Do you need help offering redaction services? We would love to partner with you or your clients as your redaction experts. Please contact us by email or phone, and we will return your message shortly.